Your Talent Profile is how we collect the details required to process payments for your work. It is essential that you complete your profile as soon as you can after the work is completed, and that you check your details before saving the profile to ensure you have entered them correctly.

Step 1 - Log into your Talentpay account and click the 'PROFILE' icon on the dashboard then select 'Profile' from the menu. See image below.

Step 2 - The 'PROFILE' window will pop-up, you will need to input your required data into the 'Personal' and 'Financial' tabs. See image below.

For more information on each tab scroll down to see the 'Profile Tab Information' section.

  • Personal - Your contact & emergency contact details.
  • Financial - Your payroll details, including tax, Super, and nominated bank account.
  • Additional 
  • Account - Your username, password, and profile image.
  • Jobs - A list of your contracts processed through Talentpay.
  • Change History - An audit history of changes made to your profile.

Step 3 - Enter your required data into the fields in each of the relevant tabs, make sure to click the 'SAVE PROFILE' button to the top left frequently to avoid losing data you have entered. See image below.

Profile Tab Information

Personal Tab - Please complete as many fields as you can here. It is essential that we are able to contact you in the event of contract extension requests or payment issues. Your DoB is required in order to correctly process your tax withholding and Super contributions.

Financial Tab - The Financial tab collects your payroll details. IMPORTANT: Please ensure you complete this tab correctly. If you have any questions, you can contact our finance team by calling 02 8204 4700. See image and further tab information below.

  • Residency - Select if you are a resident, non-resident, or on a working holiday.

  • Pty Ltd - Select Yes only if you have an ABN. As per ATO Regulations for Performing Activities, if you are performing artist you cannot use a Sole Trader ABN for commercial work. You will be processed as an Employee with appropriate PAYG withholding (see TFN below). Only Production Crew may use a Sole Trader ABN.

  • TFN - Your Tax File Number is a 9 digit number unique to you. This field will change from red to green when a correct TFN is entered. All Australian workers aged 18+ should have a TFN. If you do not provide a TFN you will be taxed at the highest marginal rate. If you are under 18, or completing the profile for a child under 18, a TFN is only required if your child is due to be paid over $1500. If the child does not have a TFN, leave this field empty, and ensure their DoB is correctly entered on the Personal tab.DO NOT provide a TFN that does not belong to the person being paid - for example, do not provide your TFN or your partner's TFN if you are completing a profile for a child. NB: The ATO Regulations for Performing Activities stipulate a standard PAYG withholding rate of 20% for all commercial work. This is the rate you will be taxed at, regardless of any other employment you may have. 

  • Superannuation - First select whether you have a standard Super fund or a Self Managed fund. You can download the Standard Choice Form, complete it on your PC or print/scan it, and then upload it by dragging the completed file to the Drag PDF here box. Type your Fund Name in the first box. Our system will provide a list of funds that will narrow down as you type. Take care here! Some Super funds are not named as you might think - for example, Australian Super is registered as AustralianSuper (no spaces). You will know you have entered or selected the correct fund name when the Fund ABN and USI fields autofill with the relevant details. The Account Name will usually be your own name, and your member number can be found on most correspondence from your chosen Super fund. Superannuation payments are made quarterly and may be processed separately to your fee.

  • Personal bank account (Freelance talent only): Provide your nominated bank details here. If you have an agent, you do not need to nominate a bank account to us as your agent will receive and relay your payment on your behalf.

Please note - As a registered Employer, Talentpay reports all payments to the ATO. At the end of the financial year we provide an Income Statement via the ATO's Single Touch Payroll system for tax filing purposes.

Account Tab - If the Registered checkbox is ticket this confirms you have registered your account and are an active user. Your username is created when your account is created and cannot be changed. If you wish to change your password, use the 'New Password / Confirm Password' fields to do so. If you are happy with your current password, you can leave these fields blank. You can upload a headshot (accepted file formats are .jpg and .png - please do not upload PDF or other file types) under 'Profile image', this is optional. 

Jobs Tab - The 'Jobs tab displays your contract history. You can view or download a contract by clicking the three vertical dots icon under the 'Contract' column. The 'Talentpay #' and 'Name' columns can be used as references if you have questions about a contract.